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Successful Planning Consent for New Build Surrey Home

You may have read our recent article in Premier Magazine advising that finding a property on a town or village plot and using that site to rebuild is a potential route to secure the ideal site for your dream home. Follow this link to read the article.

Together with Pelham Planning, Nye Saunders have recently helped our clients to achieve this very thing by securing permission from Mole Valley District Council to erect a 2 storey new build home following demolition of the existing bungalow.

We are delighted for our clients who have chosen a traditional Surrey house style with a keen eye on sustainable elements and we look forward to seeing the new building take shape.

If you have a similar project in mind, take a wander around our website to see some of our completed projects and contact us at to discuss how we can help you.

Architectural drawings of new build home

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